Nov 5, 2017 | Blog, Computers, Technology
I just spent around 2 weeks or so trying to fix an issue on Windows 10 (found out this is happening on Windows 8 also) to find out it was relatively an easy fix. About two weeks or so ago I got to noticing that when I clicked on the “Windows Explorer” icon in my task...
Feb 17, 2016 | Religious, Religious Articles
The Lord’s Prayer is mentioned two times in the New Testament: Matthew 5-7 and Luke 11:2-4. It is entitled “The Lord’s Prayer” because not only did Jesus tell us to pray it but He is the author of it. God longs to hear from us. He cannot answer a prayer that was never...
Mar 26, 2015 | Lifestyle, Religious, Religious Articles
As Hallerin Hilton Hill says, “Today is a new day. This day has never been lived before. It’s a blank canvas.” Stop and think about it. God gives us each day. When we wake up each morning we have a blank canvas for that day. In the Lord’s...
Jan 4, 2015 | Recommended Reading
Don’t let your prayer life turn into a routine that reaps no results. I am reading this great book “Opening the Gates of Heaven: Walk in the Favor of Answered Prayer and Blessing” by Perry Stone. I can never seem to read enough of any great books on...
Jan 4, 2015 | Religious, Religious Articles
Do we cancel out our prayers before they can ever be answered? I am reading this great book “Opening the Gates of Heaven: Walk in the Favor of Answered Prayer and Blessing” by Perry Stone. I can never seem to read enough of any great books on Prayer,...